Yesterday, I've been at the Imagine Dragons concert in Rīga with my friend Keita.
It was awesome.
We bought standing tickets, what was very good, because the party at the standing places was huge.
The band that played before Imagine Dragons was called Sunset Sons and I never heard of them before, but they were great.
And then, when the Dragons came, it kinda exploded.
I often heard of famous bands which make good music, but are not good to listen to in concerts because they seem bored, and just play their pieces and dissappear of the stage again (e.g. Linkin Park, don't get me wrong, I still love Linkin Park).
But Imagine Dragons made a good show, they really seemed to enjoy it, and so did all the concert-visitors.
What really touched me was a little speech which the frontman Dan Reynolds gave, it was about all horrible things that happen in this world, he was also talking about the terrorism that happened in France last year, and how we shouldn't and won't let all of this get us down. After the speech, the whole arena showed peace signs and sang together. That was a special moment.
Also, their whole music is just extremely good, even though I didn't know some of the songs I really enjoyed the whole concert (advice: listen to their song "Dream").
That concert was definitely one thing about this exchange year that I will remember for a long long time.
Have a wonderful day! ♡