This monday I had my last day of school. I drove to Riga in the morning by bus, there we ate cookies together, and then we got our reports. I didn't get grades in every subject, but I got them in english (9), german (surprise surprise 10), art (10), music (10), literature (8) and nature sciences (4). In Latvia the grades go from 1-10, 10 is the best. I should add that in most subjects I didn't understand the lessons most of the year, so I just wrote from the knowledge I had from school in Germany, and translated most of the test time what the test even is about, that explains my bad nature science grade. By the may, this grades actually don't matter at all, because I have to repeat eleventh grade in Germany anyways (Abiturrelevanz).
Now I'm having holidays until the middle of september, and I'm actually really happy to go back to german school and really use my brain again. But for now I'll enjoy my holidays, relax, sleep long in the mornings, stay awake long at night, go swimming in the little lake near our house,...
I'm also excited to see my family and friends again. It's less than a month, and that feels so awkward. It always felt unreal, and still does, but I start realizing that this adventure soon will come to an end.
I'm going to switch back to thinking in german (right now I'm thinking mostly in english, some german, and some short parts in latvian sometimes, too). Here I actually realized that I don't think in a language most of the time, because I often tried to figure out in which language I was thinking at the moment, and it's usually pictures, diagrams and stuff like this rather than a language.
School will get serious again, and as I already wrote, I'm kinda looking forward to it, but I'm also scared, because I haven't been under learning pressure the whole year, neither have I done a lot of homework, so probably that will be hard in the beginning. But I'll see.
Today a week ago, I moved to Suntazi, and it's been a great time so far. I love having so many people around. It's great to spend time with the whole family, and since I'm here I'm also not really homesick anymore, because I finally have a family where I feel home.
By the way: It's freakin hot here. The daily temperatures are 25° or higher, and with the high humidity that's crazy.
The photo which I'll add was taken on the graduation of a friend of the family, he finished music-school. On the left there's my chilean hostsister Amanda, then there are two girls from our neighbourhood, the blond one is an exchange student from Germany, too, and they are hostsisters, and then there's me on the right.
I also want to keep you updated on my hairstyle, last saturday I shaved (almost) all of my hair. It was completely destroyed from all the colouring, and felt like plastic. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I asked Amanda to shave it for me. It feels great to have no hair to care about. I'm also becoming kind of an expert in turban making, because sometimes I prefer to cover my head, from sun and mosquitos (and staring elderly russian women sometimes, but here on the country there aren't so many of them, so usually it's sun or mosquitos). I also just wanted to have this experience once in my life, and I don't regret doing it.
Have a wonderful day y'all ♥