Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015


This moment wenn you merkst, that you think in zwei Sprachen at einmal.

It's not as mixed as in the sentence above, but my brain starts mixing german and english.
My english is pretty good, that's why when I want to say something, I normally never think it in german and then translate to english and then say it. I just say it.
But what happens now is more than that. I have to use english all the time (except when I'm in the german lessons at school). And I start thinking in english. Not all the time, but sometimes.
E.g. when I woke up today, I thought ''oh, was für ein schöner Morgen'' (oh, what a nice morning) and then I thought ''today we'll go to our countryside''. I think that I think the things on english which I also use a lot when I talk on english. I often ask ''when are we going to countryside this weekend?'' but almost never say that it's a nice morning because I normally stand up alone (because we all have different times to leave the house).
Even more weird is sometimes, when I think about conversations I'll have with germans (e.g. with my german family or my german teacher), I think of what I'll tell them - in english. I often notice that after a few sentences and start to think about it again - in german.
I also talk english to my german teacher quite often, until I realise that I can talk german.
And the longer I'm here the more my brain uses english. (Sadly it's no good english because no one here speaks perfect english, so my brain uses everything my ears hear - and that is sometimes really bad english. E.g. there are no articles in latvian language, so a lot of latvians don't use them in english, too, and the same happens to me. But it's okay, I think the most important thing is that people can understand me, and they do with articles as much as without. English lessons back in germany may become funny.)

I'm interested in when I'll start switching from thinking english to thinking latvian and how that will be. (But that will take some months because I'm not even able to speak a lot of latvian yet). I'll inform you. :)

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