Dienstag, 21. Juni 2016

By The Sea / Baron Munchausen Museum

The last weekend we spend by the sea. We stayed in a holiday home which was located less then 5 minutes from the sea. But in there, we spend only the night, because it was so beautiful by the sea. It was the first time, I was actually swimming in the baltic sea (and not just walking in it). The temperature was okay, not too cold.

On sunday, we went to a Baron Munchausen (Freiherr von Münchhausen) museum. In Latvian, his name written ''Minhauzens''. The Germans reading this probably know who Munchausen is, so did I. For the others: He was a german baron. He lived in Riga for some years, where he also found a latvian wife. That's why he's also known to some Latvians. He is most famous for the tales he told about his adventures, which in most cases definitely are complete bullshit (Lügenbaron), but people enjoyed listening to his stories because back in that days (where TV, computer etc. didn't exist) it was great entertainment. If you're interested in the guy and his tales, you can find a lot about him on the internet.
On the second floor of this museum was a small exhibition of wax sculptures, all of them famous Latvians. Also, there was a collection of beer glasses from all over the world. I didn't really get the combination of this three things, but they were all interesting to watch.

I only have one photo from the beach (because I didn't take my camera there), but I took many in the Munchausen museum.

I hope you have a great day!

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